A Division of
EduTec Solutions

Edutec Web Design is a divison of EduTec Solutions. Edutec Web Design provides web based solutions to our business and education clients alike. EduTec provides a comprehensive approach to educational technology for businesses and school districts that can’t afford full-time technology staff or need to supplement an over-extended staff.  The services offered by EduTec have been designed by an advisory group of technology and education professionals to provide tailored technology solutions for your specific needs. Edutec offers the following services to facilitate the implementation of your technology plan. Businesses and School Districts may use any of the services, in any combination, based on their unique needs.  

1. Technical Design, Bid Specifications and Contract Management of Technology Systems. ETS has valuable experience and expertise in the design, specification, contract management and integration of voice, data and video technology systems including:
a) Fiber Optic and Copper Infrastructure 
b) Local Area Networks (LAN) & Wide Area Networks (WAN)
c)Internet Connectivity
d) Video Area Networks (VAN)
e) Media Management/Retrieval Systems
f) Telecommunications Systems
g) Videoconferencing Systems
h) Computer Workstations Specifications
i) Network Server specifications
j) Network Electronics specifications
k) Systems Integration specifications
2.Planning and Implementation of Distance Learning Technologies
Provide leadership and coordinate the planning and implementation of telecommunication and distance learning technologies.

3. Staff Development and Training
ETS can develop and deliver customize In-Service programs to address the needs of member districts.  Districts in geographically convenient locations can share training expenses.

4. Annual Review of District Technology Plan
A technology plan is an integral part of the district educational process, and therefore must be evaluated regularly to insure its effectiveness.  ETS works with technology committee members to evaluate and recommend enhancements based on technology, facility, curriculum or funding changes.

5. Budget Development
Assistance in the development of budget for purchase of technology hardware and materials

6. Vendor Negotiations
Consortium members may obtain support in vendor negotiations for technology related purchases. As part of a consortium, each district will benefit from group purchasing power.  When appropriate, Educational Technology Solutions parent company, PC Network, Inc. can provide hardware and software solutions as a state contract vendor to simplify purchasing requirements.

7.Assistance in developing technical support program
Every district is unique in their technology support needs.  Some districts have internal expertise that would make hiring a full-time technician unnecessary.  Some need a network manager, but not full-time.  Some need a technician one-day per week.  ETS will work with each district to design the best support program and then provide implementation management and personnel.
a) If in-house technical support is designated as part of the program, ETS will:
i) Prepare technical staff job descriptions.
ii) Interview candidates and prepare a recommendation to administration.
iii) Assistance in evaluating technical staff applications
iv)Oversee technical support staff program
b) If external support is necessary, ETS will provide group discount rates on technician services, network engineer services and training services.
c) As the technical support program is implemented, ETS will oversee its effectiveness and make modifications if necessary.

8. County Technology Committee membership
ETS offers to be an active member of the county technology committee on behalf of each consortium member district.  This provides ETS the opportunity to work with other non-member districts.  The benefits of such work are obvious.

9.Review purchase and acquisitions
ETS will review the purchase and acquisition of equipment and supplies to ensure that the member districts are implementing their technology plan in an efficient and cost effective manner.

10. Evaluate new and emerging technologies
ETS will arrange for vendor demonstrations of new and emerging technologies for member districts to help keep district staff knowledgeable and informed. (Shared service, not billed to specific district unless evaluation is requested by specific district)

11. Procedure Development
a)Develop guidelines for acquiring products and services
b) Develop and initiate procedures to evaluate aging and obsolete hardware and software.
c) Develop and initiate procedures to systematically upgrade or replace hardware and software.
12.Curriculum Integration
Consult with curriculum committees to insure that technology applications are effectively integrated into all academic and vocational programs in conjunction with the Core Curriculum Content Standards.

13.Grant Proposal Development
Work with grant proposal teams designed to secure additional funding for the member school districts in the area of technology.

14. Technology Conferences
Attend local, state and regional technology conferences and meetings for the purpose of obtaining knowledge of emerging technologies. (Shared service, not billed to specific district unless attendance is required by specific district)

15. Technology Information Dissemination
ETS will distribute technological information that addresses member district issues via an informal newsletter.  (Shared service, not billed to specific district)

16. Administrative Technology
Work with administration to address the effective integration of technology into non-instructional areas.  For example, GAAP Accounting, Student Information Systems, Library Automation, Facilities and Maintenance Management, etc.

17. Telecommunications Act of 1996 Forms
ETS provides assistance in the completion of the TelAct Forms including 470, 471 and 486.

18.Technology Funding Strategies
ETS has valuable experience in various methods of funding educational technology.  ETS Educational Technology Consortium members will benefit from this knowledge. (Shared service, not billed to specific district)

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