Educational technology solutions educational technology solutions

Educational Technology Solutions

educational technology solutions

Human Resource Services

The support structure of your technology plan is key to its success. Hardware, software and professional development and all important parts of a successful technology plan. But without a sufficient support structure in place, teachers will learn that the use of technology equates to risk of failure due to technical issues. Much like clamor for professional development a decade ago, the new call from teachers now using technology is " I need tech support!" As a component of EduTec's thorough needs analysis, the support structure will be evaluated along with other tech support designs and recommendations will be based on what design best fits with the districts long term goals. If outsourcing is part of the solution, EduTec can help you assess potential companies and how their services could best be used to meet the district's goals. If an internal solution makes the most sense, we can offer our assistance in developing hiring instruments that ensure you are acquiring team members with all of the right skill sets and create staff training plans to ensure that your new hire's potential is fully realized.



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